
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cricket Investigation

Question: Do crickets prefer wet or dry environment?

Hypothesis: If I make one side of the crickets cage wet and the other side dry then the crickets would rather prefer the dry side because they dont like wet environment.

Backround Reasearch: Inorder for a cricket to survive it needs warmth, food, water, and a good place to lay its eggs. Most crickets are omnivores. They eat nutrient rich food, dry corn,and tropical fish. They also eat decaying plant matter, fungi and small plants. The water is suppose to be changed. 

Digital illustration:

Data Table ( Picture):

 What I did was I  put napkins inside the cage and wet half of the napkins and left the other half dry to see which side it like more.  Then I watched the cricket as it moved and I drew each step the cricket move. After that I marked where it started and where it ended

"Mini" Conclusion: As I was watching the cricket and drawing each step it made I learned that the cricket rather prefer a dry environment. As you can see my data shows that the cricket rather prefer a dry environment because it shows how many moves it made  in the area it liked. 


  1. nice picture. i like how u took that pic of the cricket good angel. keep up the good work.
